
I grew up immersed in Nature, my prime source of inspiration. Recurring themes—-variation and patterning, cycles of growth and decay, time and presence, and the ephemerality of living things—-are drawn from the Plant Kingdom in particular. Drawing was an early creative love and remains my root source of grounding and discovery.

These early experiences sparked my interest in fields bridging art and science, and over time, have moved from the concrete to more abstract in nature. This course of inquiry has led to work in art education, art therapy, and landscape design, concurrent with an ever-evolving practice of art-making.

At the heart of my work, I’m attentive to the quality of Beauty: it’s the light my body seems most drawn to, and an energizing force I continually search to reimagine. Beauty, curiosity and mystery form a triad of qualities I find most captivating, and seek to evoke through art-making.