"the thought that bore the sun""little hovering thing""that which flitters in the brightest of suns""slow crawl to the top of the garden""the meeting pool" (version II)"alchemy" (subtitled: "wound becoming eye")"energy loop""web""these nights, like velvet, in the liquid canyon""temenos" (subtitled: "eating mangoes at night in the garden until juice runs down my arm")"the delight of morning""little ghost""the shape of the earth's breathing""memory thread" (for Mary Peters)"infinity & echo""spring""magical landscape""rainy day falling flowers" (work in progress, detail)"the drench of summer" (work in progress, detail)"crystalline formations" (work in progress)"Flora Suena" art block detail"Flora Suena" art block series detail"Flora Suena" Series of 20 Art Blocks www.oddballartlabs.org/art-vending-machine/"terra mater curiosum"